We're Very Sorry, We're No Longer in Operation.

After a very long discernment about continuing Unlimited Hope Radio, I've made the very difficult decision to discontinue it because of the very little benefit with very little listener turnout versus the cost going into legally operating it. Because the cost is very big (at least $500 or more per year) to legally run it (without copyright infringement and so forth) and because, from what I saw, the listenership was just not good enough to keep it alive, I sadly felt that it was for the better for it to disappear into 2022 history.

For those who have listened (whether it was to my shows, automation with some great Christian music, or both), I very much thank you for coming along the station management/operation ride with me, as well as of course doing some really good shows that I could see being a highlight of my year. For those wanting to continue seeing where my broadcasting journey will go, have no fear, because broadcasting live shows for the right audience is always something I've enjoyed since I was a kid (and any audio, as a matter of fact). You can follow me at the following means if you'd like to see what I've been up to and hopefully much more over the coming year in 2023:

With that being said, thank you very much again for coming on what was an amazing journey (for the most part), and I look forward to seeing what's next in 2023! Happy New Year to you, and I hope that 2023 will also be your best year yet!

Sincerely yours,
Chris Duffley
Former Owner/Operator, Unlimited Hope Radio